Dance with me under the new moon light and sink your feet--along with your intentions--into warm sandy beaches. Charge your body and purify your energy in the sea. Play in the tide pools. Mimic the call of a howler monkey. Be silent. Listen deeply. Breathe in the life force of the jungles fertility.  Feel the magic of the land and her people.  Allow yourself to receive.  

Nosara has a way of capturing hearts, as it did mine, and since my first stay I knew I wanted to gift the experience to others.  This 8 day immersive retreat in Costa Rica's green season is a response to those calling for deep engagement, introspection, connection and fun; to go within and fall in love again. I invite you to slow down, ground and surround yourself with simple luxury--Nature and all of her intelligent beauty.  Be silent. Let her speak to you deeply. Cleanse your body and clear your energy in the warm waters of Play Guiones, surf, eat healthy, fresh and locally.  Allow the days to wipe your worries away... not to escape, just to gain clarity. Join me on the beach in the morning for pranayama and Kundalini followed by a short walk to the shala for asana. Afternoons will vary offering specialized workshops, guest teachers, restorative movement, meditation and contemplative writing. We will always watch sunset.  Everything is optional. Design your dream time. 

R E T U R N   T O   L O V E 

 K R I Y A . S O U N D . B R E A T H . M O V E M E N T . M E D I T A T I O N.  H E A L I N G . R I T U A L . Y O G A  N I D R A .  M O N K E Y S . S U N S E T S . L O V E .

                                                          Our focus: first 3 chakras | root. sacral. solar. | e a r t h . w a t e r . f i r e |  safety. sexuality. self-worth. 

All of the chakras correlate as everything is interwoven.  We will balance the entire energetic system though pay special attention to the ground levels because the roots inform what will grow. Our human roots are nourished by safety, trust, basic needs being well met, feeling supported and a sense of belonging. Our work now, personally and globally, is to reevaluate and redesign these foundations to mirror our highest human consciousness. Safety will now be experienced through self reliance and Source connection. Sexual, creative energy now healthy and balanced will authenticate our self expressions and intimacy.  Self worth is now an inward path towards a soul-purpose that serves the whole. It happens one loving breath at a time. 

   T O   R E S E R V E  Y O U R   S P A C E   F O R   R E T R E A T : 

  • Click link to select your room at Harmony:   
  • Email - specify room choice and if single, double or triple share.
  • I will respond with rates and assistance for all arrangements. 

Perched on a mountain-top, I sat for sunset on the teak wood floor of the rancho cutting yoga mats fresh off the roll. From where I sat I saw only plush, glowing green jungle extend to the edges of the ocean until it kissed sky and created horizon. Pure joy moved me, my smile full beam, heart overflowing, pure energy, pure shakti. Overwhelmed by gratitude, I was in love.  
— Day 2, Costa Rica

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