Alchemy is opportunity:  the ability to perceive 'obstacles'  as vehicles for self-transformation; an understanding that life experience is for spiritual evolution. When we see it that way, we can welcome the full spectrum of feeling and being, knowing that discordant energy can be transposed to create harmony. Life is simply how we perceive it to be and inversely is a reflection of those exact projections. If you want, you can change your life. 

We all have stories of triumph and trauma, mistakes made and benevolence rendered.  Though the details differ, the essence is similar.  I am interested in the essence. Details are exhausting. Initially they are necessary to navigate but they are like quicksand, don't get stuck!   When we identify the essence, or root of something, we can create effective change. Please don't be a prisoner of your past. It is meant to guide you not enslave you. Forgiveness is possible. But only you can make this shift in consciousness. Many of your behaviors may have been programed externally, but the wiring is internal.  Breath, sound, movement, meditation, nature, walking, surf, travel-- insert your biggest joy bringers-- all disable the debilitating low level vibrations of fear, shame, guilt, anger and infuse us with intuitive energy to redesign our insides.  One of the alchemical formulas from The Yoga Sutras of Patañjali is to 'cultivate the opposite', pratipaksha-bhavana.  If you are burdened financially, constantly stressing to make ends meet try repeating, "I am so blessed, I am grateful for all that I have." Dive into your faith when fear tries to sabotage you. Dissipate sadness with service. Receive energy openly with love as it comes and if needed, flip the frequency. This is alchemy. This is yoga. This is self-transformation. It is our human potential and only limited by our minds ability to perceive it to be. 

   A L C H E M Y   O F   A S A N A

              T R A N S F O R M A T I O N   T H R O U G H   A W A R E N E S S   C O M P A S S I O N   A N D   L O V E